Around the Block, Issue Nº18: TAX featuring Harberger tax, 3 launches
· A blockchain the size of a few tweets. Coda is a new cryptocurrency that — no matter how many transactions are stored on its blockchain, or how complex those transactions are — processes transactions very quickly, with very little space required to verify the blockchain. By Michael Bogan.
🚪 The new 0x portal. As the number of tokens on public blockchains increases, we believe that many dozens of relayers will emerge to serve different market niches and communities. Portal provides a universal on-boarding flow that we think works well. In just three steps, your wallet is ready to trade on any and all 0x relayers. By Brandon Millman.
📉 Don’t design for speculators. Many projects with contrived mechanics that reward holders possess communities of pure speculators unable or uninterested in taking valuable actions like building on top, evangelizing the network, and so on. By Tony Sheng.
∫ Upgrading the dYdX margin protocol. In this post, we discuss the design decisions behind the upgradability of the protocol, specifically how we expect the protocol to be enhanced over time. By Brendan Chou.
⛏Parity Ethereum launches. Parity Ethereum is built to serve as expert software for production use and shouldn’t be considered end-user software or an “Ethereum Wallet.” It is meant for mission-critical use in mining pools, exchanges, or any other type of infrastructure or service provider. By Afri Schoedon.
🏡 Harberger tax. Harberger Tax is an economic policy that aims to strike a balance between pure private ownership & total commons ownership in order to increase general welfare of society. By Simon de la Rouviere.
🐦 NESTing Scalable & Private Voting with Ring Signatures. On a high level, ZK Labs Research’s project aims to enable private and scalable voting and authentication on Ethereum, leveraging linkable ring signatures. By Awa Sun Yin.
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